Vol.38 No.6; December 2019
- A Classification of Autonomous Car's Seat Type and an Analysis of Driver's Requirements
- 자율주행 자동차의 시트 공간 구성 유형 분류 및 선호도 분석
Chan Moon Yoo, Young Hwan Pan, Hoon Sik Yoo
유채문, 반영환, 유훈식
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):403-418(16). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.403 Epub 2020 January 01
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Cited By 2
- A Study on the Determining the Optimal Location of IMU Sensors in Dynamic Balance Measurement by Comparing Absolute Percentage Error between the 3D Motion Capture System and IMU Sensor
- 3차원 모션 캡쳐 시스템과 IMU 센서 간 절대 오차율 비교를 통한 동적 균형 측정 시 IMU 센서 최적 위치 판별에 대한 연구
Jeong Bae Ko, Jeong Shick Yoon, Chang Ki Lee, Tae Min Byeon, Jae Soo Hong
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):419-434(16). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.419 Epub 2020 January 01
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- Classification of Safety Culture Level Using a Convolution Neural Network
- 합성곱신경망을 이용한 안전문화 수준 분류
Dhong Ha Lee
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):435-443(9). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.435 Epub 2020 January 02
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- Investigation of Work Load and Work Ability by Aging of Automobile Assembly Workers
- 자동차 조립작업의 작업부하 및 연령에 따른 작업능력 차이 조사
Myung-Chul Jung, Kyung-Sun Lee
정명철, 이경선
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):445-455(11). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.445 Epub 2020 January 02
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- AR Interaction Design Mode of Multi-user and Multi-character in Theme Parks
Zhou Xin, Younghwan Pan
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):457-469(13). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.457 Epub 2020 January 02
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- Alteration of Functional Connectivity in Salience Network among Individuals with Alcohol use Disorder
- 알코올 사용 장애자의 현출 네트워크의 기능적 연결성 증가
Ji-Woo Seok, Mi-Sook Park
석지우, 박미숙
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):471-482(12). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.471 Epub 2020 January 02
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Cited By 2
- A Study of Blind People based on Morphological Recognition Color - Graphic Research
JIAZHU FENG, Younghwan Pan
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):483-498(16). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.483 Epub 2020 January 02
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Cited By 3
- Home Alone: Loneliness Increases Adoption of AI Speakers
- 나 홀로 집에: 외로움이 AI 스피커의 수용을 증가시킨다
Yooncheol Shin, Jaewoo Joo
신윤철, 주재우
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):499-515(17). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.499 Epub 2020 January 02
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Cited By 4
- Gender Difference on Recognition Characteristics of Tactile Stimuli
- 촉각 자극의 인지 특성에 관한 성별 분석
Yejin Lee, Kwang Tae Jung
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):517-526(10). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.517 Epub 2020 January 03
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- Effects of Voice and Appearance Personality of Smart Speakers on User Satisfaction
- 스마트스피커의 보이스와 외형 개성이 사용자 만족도에 미치는 영향
Huhn Kim, Jaeyeong Ko, Seungwan Kim, Hoyeon Hwang
김헌, 고재영, 김승완, 황호연
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):527-541(15). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.527 Epub 2020 January 03
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Cited By 2
- An Investigation on the Unreported Accident to Promote the Safety Culture
- 사고 보고 활성화를 위한 사고 미보고 원인 분석
Ilseok Lee, Beom Soo Kim, Sangeun Jin
이일석, 김범수, 진상은
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):543-553(11). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.543 Epub 2020 January 03
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- Usability Evaluation of Virtual Keyboard Supporting Touch Area Optimization Through Input Pattern Learning
- 입력 패턴 학습을 통해 터치 영역 최적화를 지원하는 가상키보드의 사용성 평가
Suyeon Kang, Jiyoung Kim, Minhee Park, Hojeong Im, Huhn Kim
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):555-564(10). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.555 Epub 2020 January 03
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- Effects of Marine Officers' Situation Awareness on Ship Collision Accidents in Korean Coast
- 항해사의 상황인식이 국내 연안의 선박 충돌사고에 미치는 영향
Seung Kweon Hong, Yonggi Bae
홍승권, 배용기
- JESK 2019 December;38(6):565-574(10). 10.5143/JESK.2019.38.6.565 Epub 2020 January 03
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