eISSN: 2093-8462 http://jesk.or.kr
Open Access, Peer-reviewed
The Ergonomics Society of Korea and policy
The Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea and policy
Article types
Article peer review process
Manuscript preparation
Editing rules of J Ergon Soc Korea
Manuscript submission
Publication policies and ethics
Copyright and Fee for page charge
Author’s checklist
The Ergonomics Society of Korea and policy
The Ergonomics Society of Korea (ESK) was founded in 1982 and is the largest nonprofit association for ergonomics professionals in Korea, with more than 2,000 members. The purpose of the society is to contribute to development, distribution, and application of ergonomics technology for overall human and social well-being. The society focuses on the role of humans in a complex system, the design of process, procedures, software, products, equipment and facilities for human use, and the development of environments for accessibility, comfort, safety and well-being. The mission of the society is to promote the goals by supporting communications among interdisciplinary fields through online journals, websites, technical meetings and conferences.
The Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea and policy
The aim of the Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea (abbreviated as J Ergon Soc Korea or JESK) (eISSN 2093-8462) is to expand knowledge of ergonomics, human features in a system and related fields and to support communications among the members who have interest in these fields. This journal specializes in Korean ergonomics data and methods. The journal launched in 1982 is published bimonthly in every February, April, June, August, October, and December by the Ergonomic Society of Korea, with the following address:
Room# 614, 20, Tehersn-ro 25-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 06132
Office phone: +82-2-568-2995
Fax: +82-2-6455-2994
Email: admin@esk.or.kr
Website: http://esk.or.kr
J Ergon Soc Korea is an open access/free access online journal managed by Seoheung Publishing Company in Korea.If you have any technical problem while accessing the website of the journal (https://jesk.or.kr) please contact:
Manuscript editor: Sang Wook, Kim
Seoheung Publishing Company, Seoul, Korea
Phone: +82-10-9998-7062
J Ergon Soc Korea publishes the articles about people in relation to systems including hardware, software, and environmental factors. Evaluative reviews of the literature, definitive articles on methodology and procedures, and empirical articles reporting original research are considered for publication. J Ergon Soc Korea also periodically publishes special sections that focus on important issues on ergonomics in an integrated manner. To propose a special section topic, contact the editor at the address:
Editor in chief: Yong-Ku Kong
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Phone: +82-31-290-7606
Email: edit@esk.or.kr & ykong@skku.edu
Article types
The following types of articles may be submitted: Research articles deal with previously unpublished original research that is experimental (field or laboratory based), methodological, or theoretical in nature. These articles report a single experiment, concept or modeling that is fully developed and includes a statistical analysis. Application articles deal with previously unpublished original research that applies ergonomics disciplines to development of software, process, procedures, products, facilities, and human centered systems or environments. Technical articles deal with previously unpublished illustration of new technologies, a synthesis of published work on a special topic, a review of technology trend, and a research report. Suitably revised papers documented in the proceedings of the ESK conferences may be submitted for consideration as a technical article, if the chair-person of the presentation recommends them for publication.
Article peer review process
J Ergon Soc Korea is a peer refereed journal. All the articles should be published through a totally double-blind review by two referees. Any information on authors or referees should not be revealed to each other side during the review process. It takes about 4-5 weeks for first review.
After the two referees agree to accept an article it may proceed to the publishing process. If the two referees disagree to accept, the article is returned to the author. Referees may ask the author to revise or re-review for the revised article. Accepted and timely revised articles (within 1 year) are often published within 2 to 4 weeks. All the submissions and reviews must be processed through the online submission and review system of the website of J Ergon Soc Korea
Manuscript preparation
All the manuscripts should be prepared according to the editing rules of J Ergon Soc Korea. Manuscripts will not be considered for publication unless they are prepared according to these rules. Use the sample manuscript template provided by the website of J Ergon Soc Korea
(https://jesk.or.kr) for manuscript typing convenience.
Editing rules of J Ergon Soc Korea
The text of the manuscript typed in either Korean or English is considered during review and publication process. The bibliographic information including title, abstract, keywords, subheadings, tables, figures, acknowledgements, and references typed in English must be included. The text in a paragraph should be typed single-spaced and left aligned without indentation. Please insert a blank line between any pair of subheadings, paragraphs, figures, tables and references.
Title and subtitle
You may put subtitle when necessary
An about 300-word structured abstract including objective, background, method, results, conclusion, and application is recommended.
Please put about 5 keywords for indexing purpose.
Any form of footnotes is not permitted. Such notes should be incorporated into the text.
Subheadings written in English should proceed like '1. Introduction', '2. Method', '3. Information architecture', '1.1 Goals of the study', or '2.1.2 Data collection'. For further extended subheadings, an underlined subheading like 'Development of the model' may be used
Text citations
Reference citations in the text should follow the author-date method. For example, 'Kim (2010) developed…' or 'Previous studies (Kim, 2001; Lee and Park, 2003; Park et al., 2009) showed that….'. Arrange parenthetical citations alphabetically by first author's surname.
Tables and figures
Each table and figure should be placed near the citing sentence in the text. A caption written only in English should be placed on the upper part of each table and the lower part of each figure. For example, 'Table 1. Correlations between predictors and self-report' or 'Figure 2. Performance on the relative position task'.
Unit of measure
Magnitudes of all measured quantities must be given in the International System of Units (SI).
Equations should be numbered on the right side of them like '(1)', '(2)', and so on and cited in the text like 'equation (1)', 'equation (2)', and so on.
A supplementary data may be inserted as an appendix. Appendices should be placed at the end of the main text and numbered like 'Appendix 1', 'Appendix 2' and so on.
When necessary, acknowledgements written in English may be placed before the references. For example: 'This work was funded by grants from Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (Grant-#KFSTS0000000).'. References
All references should be written only in English. The references written in other language should be translated into English. References should be arranged alphabetically by the author's surname and placed at the end of the article. A reference with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) should be followed by the doi notation. A reference may have one of the following forms:
(1) Periodicals
Karhu, O., Kansi, P. and Kuorinka, I., Correcting working postures in industry: a practical method for analysis, Applied Ergonomics, 8(4), 199-201, 1977.
(2) Periodicals with DOI
Oh, Y.J. and Lee, Y.H., Human error identification based on EEG analysis for the introduction of digital devices in nuclear power plants, Journal of the Ergonomic Society of Korea, 32(1), 27-36, 2013. doi:10.5143/JESK.2013.32.1.27
(3) Textbooks
Reason, J., Human Error, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.
(4) Technical reports
Payne, D. and Altman, J.W., An Index of Electronic Equipment Operability, Report of Development, Report AIR-C-43-1/62-FR, Pittsburgh, PA, American Institute for Research, 1982.
(5) Editing books
Wiliges, R.C., Design of Human-Computer Dialogues. In G. Salvendy(Ed), Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 125-153, 1984.
(6) Proceeding papers
Furness, T.A. and Kocian, D.F., "Putting Humans into Virtual Space", Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Aerospace Simulation, 2 (pp. 48-52), San Diego. CA., 1986.
(7) Internet media
Author name, Title of contents, Website name, URL (retrieved date).
Polymer Society of Korea Home page, http://www.polymer.or.kr (retrieved July 14, 2003).
Dove, R., Lady Freedom among Us, The Electronic Text Center, http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/afam.html (retrieved June 19, 1998).
University of Georgia, Points of Pride, University of Georgia, http://www.uga.edu/profile/pride.html (retrieved October 21, 2009).
Kachru, B.B., Norms, models and identities, The Language Teacher Online, 20(10), 1996, http://jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/96/oct/index.html (retrieved October 25, 2001).
Biographies (included only after acceptance for publication)
Biographies of all authors should be placed at the end of the article. The authors should be arranged as they appear in cover page. For each author, indicate in English the name, email address, highest degree, position title with the current affiliation, and areas of interest. For example:
Gildong Hong: hong@hangook.ac.kr
Highest degree: PhD, Department of Industrial Engineering, KAIST
Position title: Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hangook University
Areas of interest: Human Factors in Nuclear Power Plant, Risk Management
Manuscript submission
The prepared manuscript must be submitted only through the online submission and review system of the above website. Please proceed to the following
(1) After log in, click the Author link on the right side of the online submission and review system (https://jesk.or.kr).
(2) Click the “Submit New Manuscript” link on the Author’s home page to start the submission process.
(3) In the step 1 page, please enter manuscript type and field, title, subtitle when necessary, abstract, and keywords and click the “Save and Next” button to complete the step.
(4) In the step 2 page, please enter the corresponding author's name, department and affiliation. You may enter additional coauthor’s information by clicking the “Add Author Information” button as many as you want. Click the “Save and Next” button to proceed to the next step.
(5) In the step 3 page, you must upload both the prepared manuscript file in MS-Word or PDF format and the statement of copyright assignment file with all the authors’ agreement. Don’t use the file name including author information. A shortened title is recommended as a file name. You may download and use the sample manuscript template file for preparing the manuscript. Please download and make a hardcopy of the statement of copyright assignment file. Please put the title of the article and all the authors’ signatures on the hardcopy. Please upload the scanned statement of copyright assignment file with authors’ signatures. Click the “Save and Next” button to proceed to the next step.
(6) In the step 4 page, please check out the uploaded files and then click the “Manuscript Submit” button to complete the step.
Publication policies and ethics
Papers that have been published elsewhere in the open literature in the same form will not be accepted. Suitably revised papers presented in the proceedings of certain technical meetings or conferences such as the biannual conferences of ESK may be submitted for consideration. The published papers to this journal should not be submitted to any other journal.
Please read carefully and abide by the code of ethics released in the international standards for authors while preparing the manuscript.
The published paper proved as plagiarism shall be retracted from the JESK online system. The author responsible for plagiarism shall not submit a manuscript for three years after the retraction is notified.
The copyright for publication of the papers submitted to the J Ergon Soc Korea will be assigned to the Ergonomics Society of Korea. The statement of copyright assignment form must be uploaded during submitting process.
Fee for page charge
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the corresponding author is charged for publication processing fee before publishing online. The publication processing fee is 210,000 Won (up to 6 pages) and additional fee 20,000 won for per extra page. You may pay the fee by credit card or transfer to the following bank account: Hana bank 391-910008-35404 (http://www.hanabank.com). Account owner: the Ergonomics Society of Korea.
Author’s checklist
As a submitter it would be better to check out again the followings before submitting the manuscript through the online submission and review system:
1. Does the manuscript deal with topics within the scope of the J Ergon Soc Korea?
2. Did I check out the editing rules of J Ergon Soc Korea?
3. Did the manuscript style conform to the editing rules of J Ergon Soc Korea?
4. Did I check out the code of ethics described in the international standards for authors and editors (http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors)?
5. Did I prepare the hardcopy of the statement of copyright assignment with all coauthors’ signatures on it?
6. In case of a revised manuscript, do I submit the revised manuscript within due date (no later than 1 year after it was requested to revise)?
Please check out the below items using ∨ mark while preparing the manuscript.
1. Online submission
□ All submission to the J Ergon Soc Korea are allowed only to the registered members of the ESK. Submitters who do not have ESK membership should sign up at the JESK homepage (https://jesk.or.kr) before submission. After sign in, all the submission files including the manuscript and the statement of copyright assignment with authors’ signatures should be uploaded to the online submission and review system.
□ File name should be a shortened title of the paper without any information on the authors.
□ MS-Word or PDF version is strongly recommended as a file format.
□ Use the manuscript template and the statement of copyright assignment by downloading them from the online system.
2. Title of the paper
□ Title including subtitle is typed in both Korean and English.
3. Abstract and Keywords
□ Prepare a structured abstract of about 300 words, arranged under the following subheadings (include the subheadings in your abstract) - Objective, Background, Method, Results, Conclusion, and Application.
□ The selection of keywords in your article is very important because readers can easily search your manuscript information by the keywords through the search engine. No more than 5 keywords are allowed.
4. Main text
□ The order of the subheadings is typed following the editing rules of JESK.
□ Citation of the references in the main text are typed following the editing rules of JESK.
5. References
□ All references are written only in English. The reference originally in other language should be translated into English.
□ Every articles in References are cited in the main text.
□ References are ordered alphabetically by the author's surname.
6. Tables and figures
□ The captions and legends of tables and figures are written in English.
□ The numbering of tables and figures follows the editing rules of JESK.